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Two Chrome Extensions to Download if You’re a Writer/Blogger

There is no doubt in my mind that blogging is a gruelling, time-consuming, and exhausting endeavour for any writer. There are a lot of steps involved, including keyword research, content research, writing and editing and posting the material. Due to the fact that the majority of individuals blog on their computers. Although there are no shortcuts to these tasks, there are technologies that can automate the process and even save you time and energy from repeating the procedure again and again and make the trip simpler and less tedious. Therefore, within this article, we will be sharing with you two google chrome extensions that you need to download in order to make your blogging life much easier.

It’s crazy to think how far technology has come, we’re now at a point where we can download applications for our web browsers. Google chrome is the most popular browser and it is used by millions, if not billions of people around the world, if you’re not a blogger, then it doesn’t matter because there are so many extensions available to download, you can even download games, however, the games you can download through the add-ons are not that advanced, but you can find some more sites if you’re looking for highly advanced games, with the list provided, you have the potential to win some money.


There’s nothing worse than writing material that is riddled with grammar and spelling errors, and it can be downright humiliating. A Chrome plugin called Grammarly can help you correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling faults in your blog posts. Installing this extension is completely free and it will save you a significant amount of time when it comes to editing and proofreading. It’s also worth mentioning that Slack, PowerPoint, Google Docs, Microsoft Word, and WordPress are all supported by this plugin.

This extension has a paid version as well, plagiarism detection is included in the premium plan and by having this subscription it will improve your content’s readability, fluidity, and more.

One Tab

Onetab is an effective and simple extension to use within your chrome, all this extension does is transform all of the tabs you have open in your browser into links, which are then stored in one tab similar to a bookmark list, from which you can simply switch between various tabs inside those links.

Using this method, you may preserve up to 95% of the data on your browser and minimise the amount of tab clutter on your browser. It will also improve the efficiency of your computer by reducing the burden on your CPU. When browsing for material or creating content for your blog post, if you find yourself opening an excessive number of tabs and websites, this extension may actually help you save both data and time by making it easier to locate your relevant websites.

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